- break line
- линия разрыва
Англо-русский сельскохозяйственный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский сельскохозяйственный словарь. 2013.
break line — noun : the last line of a paragraph especially when not of full length when printed … Useful english dictionary
break line — a point in a water body where there is a sudden change, e.g. in depth, in vegetation cover, in bottom type, current caused by a boulder … Dictionary of ichthyology
break — 1. v. & n. v. (past broke or archaic brake; past part. broken or archaic broke) 1 tr. & intr. a separate into pieces under a blow or strain; shatter. b make or become inoperative, esp. from damage (the toaster has broken). c break a bone in or… … Useful english dictionary
Line number — In computing, a line number is a method used to specify a particular sequence of characters in a text file. The most common method of assigning numbers to lines is to assign every line a unique number, starting at 1 for the first line, and… … Wikipedia
line break — eilučių skirtukas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis ↑Ženklas arba ženklų seka, atskirianti vieną ↑eilutę (1) nuo kitos ↑tekstiniame faile. Tradiciškai šiam tikslui vartojami du ženklai, atitinkantys dvi rašomosios mašinėlės operacijas: 1)… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
line separator — eilučių skirtukas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis ↑Ženklas arba ženklų seka, atskirianti vieną ↑eilutę (1) nuo kitos ↑tekstiniame faile. Tradiciškai šiam tikslui vartojami du ženklai, atitinkantys dvi rašomosios mašinėlės operacijas: 1)… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
break — 1) to emerge above the water surface; said of fish when spawning in shallows or feeding at the surface 2) break line … Dictionary of ichthyology
Break On Through — Studioalbum von Jeanette Biedermann Veröffentlichung 3. November 2003 Aufnahme 2002–2003 Label … Deutsch Wikipedia
Break key — Break/Pause key on PC keyboard The origins of the break key on a computer keyboard go back to telegraph practices. A standard telegraph key has a built in knife switch that can be used to short the key s contacts. When the key was not in use,… … Wikipedia
Line break — may refer to:*Line break (poetry), a literary device *Newline, an indicator of the end of a line of text … Wikipedia
break — [brāk] vt. broke, broken, breaking [ME breken < OE brecan < IE base * bhreg > BREACH, BREECH, Ger brechen, L frangere] 1. to cause to come apart by force; split or crack sharply into pieces; smash; burst 2. a) … English World dictionary